Ethan Andreas Stoddard was born on December 16th, 2009 at 3:02 PM. He weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces (I guess that is what happens when you are 12 days over cooked) and measured 21.75 inches in length. Most importantly, though he was also born EXTREMELY cute!
The first two days were filled with the usual new-born baby excitement; family and friends pouring in non-stop, lots of oogling and augling, and of course the three "C"s of every infant: cuddling, crying, and crapping. Then of course there was the start of the debate over who he looks like more. It is funny how Mom seems to see more Dad and Dad seems to see more Mom. However, one thing that we
both agree upon, is that he seems to have more of Dad's temperament than Mom's. Like Father, like Son:
For a full photographic recount of Ethan's first 48 hours of life, follow this link here.