After 5 days in the hospital, Ethan Andreas Stoddard has finally come home! The last few days in the hospital were smooth sailing. Mom continued to heal well from surgery and Ethan could be seen changing almost daily. Ethan adjusted well to life outside the womb and quickly got the hang of the sleeping, pooping, and eating. OK, to be honest, he almost had some issues with #2. For a bit we thought that he was going to take after his Nouno in that regard but then literally seconds away from a quite uncomfortable procedure he pulled through and opened up; almost as if to say "PSYCH!" Who says babies can't have a sense of humor.
Finally the time came to come home; and of course it happened on the weekend of one of the biggest snow storms in years. Mom and Dad dressed Ethan up in his comfy red suite (a-la A Christmas Story) and set off for home. Ethan did great on the ride home, passing into an almost coma-like sleep. We all made it safe and sound and began settling into our new lives together.
Go here for more photos of Ethan's final days in the hospital and first day home.

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