Why is it that whenever an infant smiles people always say the same thing: "Oh, it's just gas". Is that meant to suggest that their smiling is just a reflex? Or perhaps that as an infant the only joy that he can experience is from farting. And if it is the later, is that such a bad thing? I know a lot of adult men who still get a goofy grin on their face whenever they break wind. Perhaps when Ethan would smile while passing gas he was really just showing its maturity, trying to fit in with adult male society in the only way he knows how. He really is quite advanced for his age, you see.

Well the days of "It is just gas" are officially over! That is right, Ethan is now smiling
socially; there is no doubt about it. All you have to do is Ohh and Ahh and the biggest grin you ever saw, from such a tiny mouth, would creep across Ethan's face. It is definitely NOT gas anymore (although he does still seem to get joy from going to the bathroom on Mommy and Daddy whenever they let their guard down. He seems to know that poopie jokes are timeless so he is starting to practice early.)
For more photos of Ethan smiling (not from gas) follow this link.
Beautiful! -Auntie A