This Sunday Ethan was presented to Greek Orthodox Church for his 40 days. In actuality, he was really 46 days at the time. Although part of him was a bit annoyed that we were 6 days late, he understands that tardiness is probably in his genes so there is only so much he can fight it. Both his parents are notoriously late for things, you see. They were even late for their own wedding for goodness sakes! So Ethan did a great job for his first time in church. He slept through most of the ceremony and then was wide awake for his presentation. His mother was a little jealous that he got to get a peak behind the alter, which she is very interested in seeing. However, apparently there are some top secret something-or-others back there and Ethan was asked not to reveal those secrets. So far he is keeping his silence like a champ. He definitely knows how to guard important secrets; admirable, I might say.
Ethan had a great time hanging out with his Yia-yia, pro-yiayia, his Nouna and Nouno, Cousin Gianna and of course is Uncle Peter. He also got to meet his Uncle Jake for the first time and learned his first handful of old Jewish jokes (a must have for any child with a sense of humor like Ethan). Mazeltov Koukliki mou!

For more pictures from Ethan's 40 days follow this link.
Photos are mixed blessing, they bring joy for seeing, but sadness and regret for not being there. They make me understand what I have missed. Rick, Elenita, and Ethan thank you for sharing these photos with me, count on me being a return customer. Love, Grandpa Milo.